From one poet's pen, to another.
IMPact in numbers. 200+ poems, 15+ countries, 50+ site members, 6500+ views.

Our Mission
Hanna Grover
"This initiative strives to help young, passionate poets who are looking for a youth-oriented safe space to share their creative writing pieces. Along with sharing their own work, poets can read other individuals' work with the hope to learn something new from how they wrote the poem, the poem's meaning, and the writer's thought process. My mission as a youth myself is to provide an eco-friendly accessible platform that shines light on using poetry to advocate for global issues, as a tool for promoting positive mental health, and addressing inequalities by allowing all youth writers to find a supportive community with other poets -- one in which everyone can learn from one another and ultimately flourish into a better writer."
Join Our Community
We are thrilled to have you here. Join our community by submitting a poem and help youth from all over the world read your work and learn something new. By submitting your poem with explanations regarding your thought process and ideas, you are allowing someone to grow as a writer. Not only can you help others, but get your poem published on this website for you and many others to read and enjoy!
Discover Poetry
Read poems of your interest from other passionate youth advocating and learn something new to help you become a better writer. Through detailed explanations, main ideas, and the author's thought process, you can gain new writing skills to help enhance your passion. Even if you are not interested in writing, reading is completely welcome here too! Let your mind explore the realm of poetry and read some mind-blowing work created by creative youth.