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A Ode Of Gondor - By: Joshua Haberstock

Concerning Selections From The Journeys of

King Elessar Telcontar, Aragorn The Dunedain,

During The War Of The Ring,

For The Enlightenment Of His Descendants

and The People Of Gondor.

Composed Elenya, Lothron 5th,

Second Age 1432,

by a lowly poet of Gondor.

From Rivendell he sallied forth,

the Eagle of the Star of the north,

bearing star and sword, striding south.

For many years he hampered death.

The hardships bourn, the grief endured,

a mother’s death, and love forborne,

the rightful ascendancy, twice denied,

a crownless helm, a king oppressed.

But yea, Hark thou this lay,

while hath we the light of day:

“Not all who wander are lost

The old that is strong does not wither

Deep roots are not reached by the frost

From the ashes a fire shall be woken”

Fulfilling all, and keeping oath

a warrior's son, and servant king,

a shadowed man, but knowing much.

With sword reforged, thus departing

from Imladris to Khazad-dum.

A Ring to guard, a friend and help,

he led them forth from Mithradir’s doom,

a guide through dark, a level head.

To Laurelindorenan, he came in winter

Without hope, but as there he tarried,

wounds and griefs were lessened there.

Then courage bound, and knowing oath,

he passed through Fui 'Ngorthrim.

He came upon fleet, fleet of foot,

and set afire the flames of Umbar,

bringing dread, with great Undead.

From Pelagir to Harlond, he sailed,

unfurling banner, Harad he assailed

the host of Mordor, misguided, quailled.

Eomer and Aragorn met again,

on field of battle with bodies strewed.

Both oath keeping, fighting together.

A day of dread, a day of red,

day of death, yet sorcerer of Angmar;

stilled. A Ringwriath passed, a power gone.

Lives tainted by darkness, Aragorn healed:

“The hands of a King, are the hands of a Healer”

To journeys end had seemingly come hither

But little rest he received, though gave much succour.

The Ranger weary, off to war again,

gloom and legend enshrouded him,

tears at parting then were shed.

Unknown had hope preceded him,

Into Mordor. where the shadows lie.

“One Ring to rule them all,

One Ring to bind them,

And in the Shadows find them.”

The power of Sauron was hung on a thread.

Aragorn went to war, with doom at hand,

ne’r again to return it seemed,

to hearth, or home, or fief, or land.

Sauron's minions gathered,

to spring upon their prey…

“Ash nazg durbatulûk,

ash nazg gimbatul,

ash nazg thrakatulûk

agh burzum-ishi krimpatul”

Suddenly, Hark!

“The Eagles are coming!

The Eagles are coming!”

And then a great rumble as if of thunder,

While Mithrandir the White said:

“The Realm of Sauron has ended!”

Behold the fall of Barad Dur!

The Iron Crown had tumbled down,

the Wraiths had passed, the Shadow gone,

the Ring and all its works removed.

A victory given, a quest fulfilled.

A king he was, a king he is,

returning to his fathers halls.

An Elven blade, a healing hand,

a knowing eye, a loving mind.

A crown’d king, clad in white,

with an emerald, Our Elfstone.

High King Aragorn, Telcontar.

Please give a detailed explanation about the meaning and main idea of this poem.

I attempted to create a poetic synthesis of the story of Aragorn in Lord Of The Rings by J.R.R. Tolkein, in the format which a mediaeval minstrel would use to tell a story. I was greatly inspired by Clamavi De Profundis’ rendition of the Song of Elendil and subsumed the rhyming pattern from the song to create a similar cadence. I created this synthesis of Aragorn to help bring to light some of his characteristics, namely his continuous nobility and perseverance in almost all situations, as well as his natural leadership. I used the voice of a poet of Gondor to do so, as the people of Gondor would likely have high respect for Aragorn and probably have created something similar, with the same sort of bias towards events that they were connected with. I also used an epigraph to attempt to assist the reader in fully understanding who this is about, who the author is, and some of the implied meaning within the poem.



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