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Cloud - Cici Li

I used to find you bland,

So messy, so unplanned,

But the day I took a good look at you,

I became entranced with that view.

Please give a detailed explanation about the meaning and main idea of this poem.

It is a comparison of a person with a cloud;

At first, they might seem unsightly, plain, unappealing, even - but once you take a good look at them, you might find something that you did not expect to.

Please explain your writing and thought process regarding this poem.

I summed up my feelings about a specific person around me and wrote this poem while thinking about my first impression of them.

Why did you choose to write this poem?

I was struck by inspiration as I was about to head to bed after having a meaningful conversation with the person in question.

Do you have any tips or anything to share with the youth writers who may be reading this?

As a highschooler writing this, I feel like the best way to go about this is to write down what ideas you have at first, without thinking about how you will write the poem. Then, you can try to find synonyms for the words you want to use, and lay out your poem nicely with its defined structures.

Hope this helps you, the reader, pour out your feelings onto paper.



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