Once I went a week without feeling a thing
Not certain of my grip on an object
Or missing the pressure of something on my skin
For me also there existed no pain
I could run and run without feeling myself breathe
Not knowing even if I was hungry
I very quickly became accustomed to the sensation
Or lack thereof
A static throughout the body
And few thoughts in the mind
It doesn't sound too bad does it
I had no fear
Feeling closer to a superhero than someone who had lost anything
But the feeling came back
Slowly but surely
And now, once again, I'm just like everyone else
Please give a detailed explanation about the meaning and main idea of this poem.
The idea of this poem is how I wished to feel nothing, but in pursuit of this I lost my sense of being. Without feeling anything can we really call ourselves human. This poem is me recounting coming to terms with the fact that to be human we have to feel.
Please explain your writing and thought process regarding this poem.
I just wrote from experience and tried to keep it true to my own feelings at the time. I didn't want it do evoke pity but also I didn't want to make it sound like a good thing either.
Why did you choose to write this poem?
Because it's a story I think often about and thought it had an interesting message. Also I wrote it for school.